Over all objective of the REST shall be to advance the education, socio-economic welfare of all but less privileged members of our society.
Specific Objectives 1. To honour the following principles: i. The individual is the most important factor in organized society, and as a divinely created being, with both spiritual and physical potentials and needs, has certain inalienable rights which must be respected and preserved; ii. Security with freedom of each individual must be secure in the knowledge that he/she is worthy, respected, equal and free, and that the freedom to choose one’s destiny is an inalienable right; iii. Whatever is physically possible and desirable and morally right should be made financially possible.
2. To achieve the following goals: i. Advancing education right from primary to higher with provision for technical and professional development through sponsorship or interest free loans as appropriate; ii. Making poverty and privation totally unnecessary; iii. Influencing the local and regional economy through other institutions and such measures as interest free loans, etc; iv. Providing the people with an effective organization for obtaining information on matters essential to their welfare. v. Taking environmental management as a major guiding factor for national development and developing strategies and action plans for creating environmental awareness and policing cleanup.